Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

SPN_Selection of a Technical Advisory Firm for the Reform Project

MCA Senegal II hereby invites duly established firms to submit a proposal for the provision of the above-mentioned services (“Proposals”) More information regarding such Consultant Services are provided in the Terms of Reference.

This Request for Proposals is open to all eligible entities (“Consultants”) that want to submit a proposal. Subject to restrictions set forth in the RFP, Consultants can join other consultants to optimize their ability to successfully implement the contract.

A consultant will be selected through a QCBS (Quality and Cost-Based Selection) method: the evaluation procedure which is described in the RFP sections, in accordance with MCC Program Procurement Guidelines, which can be found on MCC website ( The selection process, as described, includes review and assessment of qualifications and past performance, as well as a reference check, before contract awarding.

Note that a pre-submission meeting is scheduled on January 12, 2022, as indicated in the Specific Data of the Request for Proposals, Section II of this RFP (IC 1.4).

The Consultants who want to submit a Proposal are invited to register by mail, mentioning their full contact details to the following address:

MCA-Senegal II Procurement Agency


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Once, you are registered, the PDF version of the Request for Proposals (RFP) will be forwarded to you.

The registration of interested Consultants will enable them to be directly informed of potential additional information and/or updates of the RFP.

Proposals shall be submitted by email to the address and in the manner indicated at IC 17.3 of the Specific Data of the Request for Proposals, not later than February 14, 2022 at 3 pm.  (Dakar/Senegal time).

Note that only proposals transferred by email, through the Dropbox link indicated in the specific data of the RFP, will be accepted.

Submissions for which financial proposals are not password-protected will be rejected.

It is not necessary to password-protect technical proposals. However, if a bidder decides to submit a password-protected technical proposal, the password of the technical proposal should be sent to the MCA-Senegal II Procurement Agency ( not earlier than February 13, 2022 and not later than 15 minutes before the submission date and time (Dakar time).

Late proposals will not, in any case, be considered.

Sincerely yours,


MCA-Senegal II Chief Executive Officer

Oumar DIOP

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Tel : 33 889 05 10 / 13

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